C Slot Machine Tutorial

C Slot Machine TutorialC Slot Machine Tutorial

C Slot Machine Tutorial Java

C slot machine tutorial free

Gaming Tutorial: Slot machines have been around for more than 100 years. Today they have evolved into sophisticated devices that are linked to million-dollar. Slot machine has 3 wheels each with 7 positions, as described before 2. Program must ask user how many coins are being inserted, either 1, 2, or 3. Any number outside of range ends the program, and 0 is to exit program.

C Slot Machine Tutorial Game

P: 8
I need some help. I am getting an error of: local function definitions are illegal. What does this mean? Can anybody help me out a little? Thank you.
//Specification: This program simulates a three
//wheeled slot machine. Each wheel will randomly
//display three numbers. When the numbers on the
//wheels match the user is award points. The Slot
//machine requires the user to enter tokens to play.
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
class slotMachine {
int wheelA;
int wheelB;
int wheelC;
double payOut; //amount of $ won during the current turn
double moneyInMachine; //total amount of $ in the machine
double playersBalance; //the amount of $ not yet played
double gameCost; //the cost of one pull
double moneyPaid; //the money put in by user
bool displayMenu(void);
bool pullHandle(void);
void spinWheel(int &);
double calculatePayout();
void insertCoin(double );
void displaySpinResults();
int Random(int, int);
void displayTotals();
int main(void) {
//create a slot machine object
slotMachine mySlot;
//Start the slot machine game
//Keep running until the user
//decides to quit
bool ok = true;
while (ok){
ok = mySlot.displayMenu();
return 0;
slotMachine::slotMachine () {
//constructor, set the initial state
//of all the properties
srand((int) time(0));
moneyInMachine = 100;
moneyPaid = 0;
payOut = 0;
wheelA = 0;
wheelB = 0;
wheelC = 0;
gameCost = 1;
bool slotMachine::displayMenu(void){
//main menu, executes the command selected by the
//user or returns a value to terminate game execution
int choice = 0;
//declare variables
char usersChoice = 'E';
bool continueGame = true;
//display menu opitions
cout << 'Welcome to Las Vegas Casino n';
cout << 'Please choose an option: n';
cout << '(E)nd, (P)ull, P(A)Y, (T)otals';
//get the input
cin >> usersChoice;
switch (usersChoice){
case 'E': //end game
continueGame = false;
case 'A': //pay
continueGame = true;
//prompt user to pay
cout << 'Please enter $1.00. n' << gameCost << endl;
//get input
cout << 'Thank you for entering your money. n' << moneyPaid << endl;
case 'P': //user pulls the handle
continueGame = true;
if (pullHandle()){
case 'T': //show the totals
continueGame = true;
return continueGame;
bool slotMachine::pullHandle(void){//local function defintions are illegal
//checks to see if there is money
//given by user then assigns a random value
//to each wheel. Deducts the cost of one
//pull from the users money.
double moneyInMachine = 100;
int wheelA = 1;
int wheelB = 2;
int wheelC = 3;
moneyInMachine = moneyInMachine - moneyPaid;
cout << 'You have n' << moneyInMachine << endl;
return true;
void slotMachine::spinWheel(int &theWheel){//local function definitions are illegal
//assign a random value to a wheel
int wheelA = 0;
int wheelB = 0;
int wheelC = 0;
wheelA = 1 + rand() % (3 - 1 + 1);
wheelB = 1 + rand() % (3 - 1 + 1);
wheelC = 1 + rand() % (3 - 1 + 1);
double slotMachine::calculatePayout(){// local function defintions are illegal
//decides if the current wheel values merit a
//payout and how much that payout should be.
//deducts the total payout from the total
//amount of money in the machine
int jackPot = 1000;
int goodJob = 10;
int youLose = -5;
int wheelA = 0;
int wheelB = 0;
int wheelC = 0;
wheelA wheelB && wheelA wheelC;
cout << 'Jackpot!!!' << jackPot << endl;
wheelA wheelB || wheelA wheelC || wheelB wheelC;
cout << 'Good Job' << goodJob << endl;
moneyInMachine = moneyInMachine + jackPot;
moneyInMachine = moneyInMachine + goodJob;
return moneyInMachine;
void slotMachine::insertCoin(double amount = 0.0){ //local function definitions are illegal
//adds to the amount of money paid by the user
//adds to the total money in the machine
int moneyInMachine = 100;
int moneyPaid = 0;
moneyInMachine = moneyPaid + moneyInMachine;
void slotMachine::displaySpinResults(){
//displays the value of the three wheels
int wheelA = 0;
int wheelB = 0;
int wheelC = 0;
cout << 'First wheel shows: n' << wheelA << endl;
cout << 'Second wheel shows: n' << wheelB << endl;
cout << 'Third wheel shows: n' << wheelC << endl;
void slotMachine::displayTotals(){
//displays the total money in the machine and the number
//of pulls the user has left
cout << 'You have this much money left: $' << moneyInMachine << endl;
cout << 'You have this many turns left: ' << endl;
int slotMachine::Random(int lowerLimit, int upperLimit) {
//returns a random number within the given boundary
return 1 + rand() % (upperLimit - lowerLimit + 1);

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