Location: Medford, Massachusetts: Population: 5,232: Male-Female Population: 49 percent male, 51 percent female: Public or Private: Public: Women in Greek Life. Dominos Slot Machine Hack. Contribute to slayerjain/dominos-pizza development by creating an account on GitHub.
Domino Machine For Sale
This is just something I did last night. I would like to share it with you so that everyone can take its advantage.I dont know if you know it yet, but dominos have kept a slot-machine as that in casinos on their website. And the prizes they are offering are as follow:
1. JACKPOT: 50% off on one pizza
2. 20% off i guess
So to get jackpot (which is quite pathetic), following is the trick:
2. Press Ctrl Shift I. This will open up the inspect element window.
3. In this box, will be able to see 8 menus. Elements, Resources, Network, Sources, Timeline, Profiles, Audits, Console.
5. There you will be able to see a long code in following window. In that code on line 2 or 3, you will see body tag. Right click on that and select Edit as HTML option. Now you will be able to edit that code. Copy paste following code just below 'body'.
<iframe src='http://pizzaonline.dominos.co.in/slot-machine/' width='0px' height='0px'></iframe>
<div><input width='200'></input><input width='200'></input></div>
6. Now go to 'Console' menu. You will see a blank window there. Just paste following code in it and press Enter on your keyboard. After this you dont have to do anything. You computer will do all that work for you automatically. After some time, a dialoge box will appear on your screen saying 'Jackpot:' and some coupon code. Note down that coupon code somewhere. And without refreshing the window, add your address below Home Delivery Box and proceed. And add coupon code once you select your pizzas and enjoy 50% off on your second pizza.
function append1(x,y){
function appendtripple(x,y){
$('#tripple').append('<b>Triple:</b> '+x+' '+y);
function appendjack(x,y){
$('#jack').append(x+' '+y);
Pizza Slot Machine
function gohere(){$.post('https://pizzaonline.dominos.co.in/slot-machine/process-slot.php',{ session_id : readCookie('session_id')},function(json){
var slot_result = slot_result_desc = '; var limit = slots = 0;
// document.write(json['slot_result']+' '+json['unique_coupon']+'<br>');
var slot_result=json['slot_result'];
case '1':
appendjack(json['slot_result'],json['unique_coupon']+' '+json['coupon_description']);
alert('Jackpot: '+json['slot_result']+' '+json['unique_coupon']);
case '2D':
//appendjack(json['slot_result'],json['unique_coupon']+' '+json['coupon_description']);
//alert('Triple: '+json['slot_result']+' '+json['unique_coupon']);
case '3':
case '3A':
appendtripple(json['slot_result'],json['unique_coupon']+' '+json['coupon_description']);
alert('Triple: '+json['slot_result']+' '+json['unique_coupon']);
case '4':
// location.reload();
document.getElementById('frame').src = 'https://pizzaonline.dominos.co.in/slot-machine/';

You will get this alert window (as shown above) once u get a jackpot. Note down this code somewhere. Click on OK button. Then without refreshing the window, add your address in home delivery box and proceed accordingly. Once you reach the page where you choose pizza add that coupon code in box on right hand side for discount. !! Enjoy !!
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