Illegal Slot Machines In San Jose

Late last week, May Levy from Walnut Creek plead guilty to ‘conducting an illegal gambling operation involving video slot machines ’. This took place from the Sacramento region of Northern. Slot machines are technically illegal in California. However, tribal casinos fall under federal jurisdiction, allowing gamblers to visit more than 60 casinos with slots on Indian reservation lands. Last Tuesday evening, San Jose police, the FBI and the DEA conducted the largest crackdown on illegal gambling in history of San Jose, California. Officers raided nearly a dozen cafes and rounded up gambling machines As well as other illegal hardware.

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Emeritus and Retired Faculty Biographies


Fischl, Louis J. (1923-2015)


Date Updated





Academic Rank


Year Retired from SJSU


Educational Background

University of Santa Clara, 1966 J.D.

Stanford University, 1954 M.B.A.

Stanford University, 1948 A.B.

Teaching Experience

Illegal Slot Machines In San Jose Bay Area

San José State University, 1956-1992

Menlo School, Menlo Park CA, 1955-1956

Administrative and Professional Experience

Retail Pharmaceutical Business, 1948-1955

Selected Publications

'May the Defense of the Statute of Frauds be Invoked by Third Parties?' (5 Santa Clara Lawyer 87).

Eminent Domain: Excess Condemnation . . . A Recently Validated Theory‑­Avoidance of Severance Damages' (California Law Revision Commission, 1969).

'Legal Environment‑‑Its Current Treatment in Business Law Curricula and Texts' (American Business Law Association, 1968).

'What is an Antique Slot Machine? California Law Does Not Define 'Antique' Slot Machine' (The CoinSlot, Number 71, January, 1981).

Are There Constitutional Limitations on the Confiscation of Illegal Slot Machines by Law Enforcement Officers?' (Part I ‑ The Coin Slot, Number 75, May, 1981; Part II ‑ The Coin Slot, Number 76, June, 1981).

Audio Visual Materials on Contracts(Lansford Publishing Company, 1976)

Rights, Obligations, and Liabilities in the Legal Environment of Business, (Spartan Book Store, 1980)

Buyers and Sellers: The Law of Sales Transactions(Spartan Book Store, 1980)

Orders and Promises. The Law of Commercial Paper (Spartan Book Store, 1975).

Debtors and Creditors: The Law of Secured Transactions (Spartan Book Store, 1982).

Cases and Materials on the Law of Contracts(Spartan Book Store, 1984).



Since July 21, 2019


Illegal Slot Machines In San Jose Puerto Rico


I am not authorized to Practice Law in the State of California: However. many states have an exemption for the possession of residential (non-gaming) display of antique slot machines. The term 'antique' usually means 25 years or older. I have copied the applicable California Penal Code Section:

Illegal Slot Machines In San Jose California

330.7. (a) It shall be a defense to any prosecution under this
chapter relating to slot machines, as defined in subdivision (d) of
Section 330b, if the defendant shows that the slot machine is an
antique slot machine and was not operated for gambling purposes while
in the defendant's possession. For the purposes of this section, the
term 'antique slot machine' means a slot machine that is over 25
years of age.
(b) Notwithstanding Section 335a, whenever the defense provided by
subdivision (a) is offered, no slot machine seized from a defendant
shall be destroyed or otherwise altered until after a final court
determination that the defense is not applicable. If the defense is
applicable, the machine shall be returned pursuant to provisions of
law providing for the return of property.
(c) It is the purpose of this section to protect the collection
and restoration of antique slot machines not presently utilized for
gambling purposes because of their aesthetic interest and importance
in California history.

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